Posts by No Apologies

  • Yizuman

    Christmas Morning, The Elders Come Knocking!

    by Yizuman in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    any of you ex-jdubs get hit by the "sheparding" call this christmas morning yet?.

    just wondering and i haven't seen a post about it just yet.. yizuman.

    ~proud to be a well educated deaf individual.

    1. TR
    2. No Apologies
    3. gumby
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Checking trash bins? That's pretty low, even for these guys. I guess then would be a good time to have a camera ready. And then confront them, tell them to get lost before you call the police.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    J.R. Brown SLANDERS Barbara Anderson

    by UnDisfellowshipped in
    1. watchtower
    2. child-abuse

    below is a timeline of newspaper quotes in which j.r. brown lied about and slandered barbara anderson: . news (associated press ap) - may 11th 2002:.

    saturday, may 11, 2002; page b08.

    1. UnDisfellowshipped
    2. hamptonite21
    3. rocketman
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Unfortunately for the Watchtower, they are not used to being forced to defend their actions. J.R. Brown does not seem to realize that just because a loyal witness will believe anything he says as if it came straight from heaven, a reporter will not. Of course, maybe that's why he is afraid to go on a live interview, he knows he would be nailed to the wall so fast.

    Of course, they also have no idea how their statements are being documented and will come back to haunt them.

    I really would like to know what they told the reporters that they invited inside the day of the Silentlambs march.

  • Farkel

    Judge Bans Shunning

    by Farkel in
    1. watchtower
    2. child-abuse

    today i spoke with a former jw i've been in touch with for several years and discovered what i think could be a major bombshell for the wts.

    as we all know, shunning is the most powerful weapon the wt cult has over its members and for decades the wts has been able to get away with practicing it at their whim.

    the us and other courts have permitted them to to use it, even though it destroys families and has ruined countless lives.

    1. mraimondi
    2. GrandmaJones
    3. Snoozy
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    It would be interesting to see the courts rule on JWs who refuse to allow DA or DF parents to visit their grandchildren.

    I think that the Society is aware that some states have "grandparents rights" laws, and advise accordingly. Not to defend them, but I do know of one case where they advised a JW that refusing to allow visitation could cause legal repercussions.

  • scootergirl

    Anyone from Minnesota?

    by scootergirl in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    looking for anyone from the st. cloud congregations (i was in the north one)...or surrounding areas.

    oh heck, anyone from minnesota is fine!

    1. Highlander
    2. bikerchic
    3. startingover
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    sorry that would be way before my time frame.


    name does not ring a bell.

    thanks anyway!

  • freedom96

    What was the last straw?

    by freedom96 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    for those who just up and left the wts, what was the one thing, if any, that made you think to yourself, allright, that is it, i am outa here!


    1. Skeptically Yours
    2. Scully
    3. SPAZnik
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    The last straw was the UN membership. Proved to me that the Org was not misguided, not simply incorrect, but purposefully deceptive.

  • Elsewhere

    The coming "disassociations"

    by Elsewhere in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.

    this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.

    i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.

    1. SheilaM
    2. NewYork44M
    3. line6guy
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    Have you considered legal action? They have made an announcement on you without even talking to you. That might be enough to open a whole can of worms for those poor brothers

    In the meantime, you can truthfully say, "DA? Me? I don't think so." Its almost as good a way out as a fade.

  • scootergirl

    Anyone from Minnesota?

    by scootergirl in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    looking for anyone from the st. cloud congregations (i was in the north one)...or surrounding areas.

    oh heck, anyone from minnesota is fine!

    1. Highlander
    2. bikerchic
    3. startingover
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Now that this thread has been resurrected I will chime in. I have already met a lot of the Minnesota people here, but I would be interested in chatting with some of these people from the Redwood and Montevideo areas. We probably know some of the same folks. I also lived in Fargo for several years. Anyone from central Minnesota too.

  • Elsewhere

    The coming "disassociations"

    by Elsewhere in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.

    this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.

    i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.

    1. SheilaM
    2. NewYork44M
    3. line6guy
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    JT, I just want to hijack this thread long enough to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. Your insights on how the elders think and what motivates them (most of them, anyway) makes for great reading.

    Preach on!

  • Elsewhere

    The coming "disassociations"

    by Elsewhere in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.

    this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.

    i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.

    1. SheilaM
    2. NewYork44M
    3. line6guy
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    "Oooh, the end is getting so close!! We have to keep staying close to the organization or we could fall away too! Satan sure is busy, cause he knows he doesn't have much time left!"

    etcetera, etcetera